Code for GovTech (C4GT) is a unique program aimed at creating India's first active open-source community of coders that can build and contribute to global Digital Public Goods.
To ensure sustainable adoption of DPGs, building an open source community of vibrant young coders is key!
If you want to use technology to create large scale impact, then this is the opportunity for you. Read ahead to know more!
Ensure sustainability & adoption of your DPG with access to long-term contributors.
Conduct PoCs, new feature development & more through the community.
Create a talent pipeline through active contributors.
Connect with potential adopters who are a part of the community.
Get access to exclusive events, opportunities, and learning sessions with ecosystem leaders
Build technical skills by contributing to complex projects & build a portfolio
Get certificates, Badges, C4GT goodies, bragging rights & community privileges. Opportunity to earn money for certain contributions as well!
Hands-on mentoring with weekly catch-ups,problem-solving sessions and professional development from industry.
Opportunity to work on population scale impact projects & build meaningful solutions using technology.
Learn about how DPGs are breaking barriers, solve good first issues & network with talented coders & industry veterans.
Contributors will be considered for PPIs with participating entities & receive Rs 1,00,00 as stipend.
Interact & engage with experts from the ecosystem such as Pramod Varma (CTO Aadhar), Ravi Prakash (Beckn) & more!
Access to immersive boot camps, peer-to-peer sessions & product deep-dives. Implement learnings on your projects!
Here is what past mentors have to say.